20 min /
40 min with screening of 'What happens before war' and introduction of the subject
Soldier. War. Sex. National. Slavery. Madness. Missing. Home. Memories. Forgiveness.
The story of one soldier in the Second World War.
I was asked by a Korean activist group in berlin to make a piece about 'Comfort Women'. (Victims of forced Japanese Military Sex Slavery during the war) I knew about the historical denial and manipulations of these facts, but the more I researched, the more I wanted to apologize as a man, as a Japanese and as a human being. It was premiered at a demonstration in Alexanderplatz in front of Lee Ok-Seon, a former comfort woman.
The piece was later performed in Übersee Museum Bremen, Germany on the Japanese memorial day for the end of the war. In Japan it has been presented at Shibaura house, Tokyo coupled with a film screening of 'What happens before war?' by NOddIN, a Japanese artist collective not afraid of being political.
Performed in: Berlin Alexander platz, Brandenburger Tor, Übersee Museum Bremen, Shibaura House (Tokyo)
ベルリンのアクティビストグループKoreaVerbandのからの依頼で日本の戦争犯罪への謝罪を求めるデモのためにつくり、その後ブレーメンのÜbersee Museum での終戦記念日のイベントに呼ばれる。日本ではSHIBAURA HOUSE にてNOddINの映像作品 『戦争のつくりかた』とセットで上演する。
Short film by NOddIN.jp
'What Happens Before War'
Please turn on English Subtitles.
Can be screened after the performance of Spectre.