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Nature dance class by bodypoet photo by Margo with hannes.png

Dance in Nature

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As Teacher 

Regular Training Class at Lake Studios Berlin

'Bodypoet method'

Thursdays 17-18:00


Kazuma has taught in professional dance training, community projects,  class rooms, refugee camp in Berlin to the township of South Africa. The main objective in his teaching is to develop the individual's creativity and connection to the body and to its out side natural forces.  

Rather than copying and pasting the exact movement, technique is used as a tool and stepping stone to free the person's body and mind




-Bodypoet method: 

A dance and movement meditation using nature (water, earth, tree, fire etc) as a guiding principle fusing multiple movement disciplines to connect to nature and each other, awakening senses we have forgotten. Martial arts stances, street dance techniques, contact improvisation games and Japanese calligraphy are a starting point for a deeper exploration in an attempt to decipher and embody the repeating patterns of this universe.  The method can be taught outdoors(lake, field, forest etc) or indoors (studio, home etc), from beginners to professionals, as a workshop or a ritual. 

The method is created from an accumulation of life time dance, martial arts and stage experience by multiple award winning dancer, choreographer and teacher Kazuma Glen Motomura (bodypoet) and has enjoyed success in Japan, Mexico, Germany and in shamanic festivals in Siberia.



-Street Contemporary

A fusion of street dance techniques into contemporary/experimental improvisation and partnering.


-Martial Dance / Stage Combat

Traditional eastern martial arts forms and concepts applied for creative movement exploration.


-Dance with Nature 

Drawing inspiration from the design of nature, we apply the concepts to the body, since we are made of nature.  We try to awaken forgotten senses and to make sense of the chaos that we live in.

Realising the water that makes up most of us, connecting to it once again, growing roots of consciousness from under our feet, opening our skin to communicate through air with the others.

We use the eyes not to look and search for what we need but to let the information come directly to the back of our head, effecting us emotionally. 



Journeying through the 5 elemental states of the body (water, earth, air, fire, metal) and their various fusions.  Which elements are most strongly residing in you? Is there an imbalance?  Imagery and sensing develops into improvisation to grasp the element.  Later applying the sensation to set exercise and optionally, choreography.

Differences and deep parallels between various existing styles of dance/movements are drawn, for example liquid movement in contemporary dance vs waving in popping, and use of the earth in ballet and martial arts.  Going under the tip of the iceberg of what is visible in each style and connecting in a deeper elemental level, since in the end it is one body.  


Names and labels are merely a cultural construction or boxes we create. We can melt through these boxes.

Styles are like the tips of the icebergs. You can see it, and people label it and want to reach quick conclusions boxing people/movement/soul.  We go deeper and see what the entire iceberg is. Drawing parallels between perceivably very distant styles, like finding something you can share so deeply with someone from a totally different place.  Melt through boxes, be yourself and not what you were told to be.


Open for all people, body types, sexuality, ability/disability.  As long as your mind can move.


Refugee dance project (with Abdulah from Syria)

Refugee dance project (with Abdulah from Syria)

Refugee dance project (with Abdulah from Syria)
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Kazuma und Abdulah

Kazuma und Abdulah

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